Comment history with ForgiveTheSinner
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 comments
Update!! Make some more of your graphic babies O.O lol
LOL. What??? I adore your layouts, they are not what you call, "trashcan stuff" if they were then my mind is trashcan stuff!! O.o if that made sense...
omg! you know what we should do?! a layout exchange =D. you make me ariel-style layout and i'll make you that crappy trashcan stuff i always make. which isn't a very good exchange for you :( but i know you love me so much
SATS was a butt, wasn't it? I'll tell you more tomorrow : ). Right now, you can enjoy being tagged. SO UPDATE YOUR SITE SOON!
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself.
3. Tag 4 people at the end of your post, list their names and link to them.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment or email them.
I miss you so much :(. I hope after SATs, you'll go online freaking more!
This is so incredibly unfair! Everytime I'm on, you're off D:. WHAT THE HELL?!!!
Lol, miss me that much?? Whenever I'm on your not on!
ARIEL, BELOVED D:!!!!!! Oh, this is Amber (don't run away) =D. You should put all your layouts up, especially your latest.